From the second weekend of November 2024, Magical Christmas with Pinocchio returns to Collodi, featuring workshops, performances, mascots, and much more, all with a Christmas theme.
For this occasion, entry will be free for all children up to 14 years old, including access to the Park, the Historic Garden, and all activities, both outdoors and indoors. Younger visitors can enjoy the interactive museum, participate in animations, watch puppet shows, take a ride on the historic 1950s carousels (for children ages 3 to 11), and challenge themselves with adventure courses designed for those aged 5 to 14 and no taller than 150 cm.
Tickets: €26 full price | €23 reduced/over 65 years old | €17 students (ages 15 to 26, university students, and school teachers) | €21 for Unicoop Firenze, Arci, Aci, Touring Club, Fai members (for other reductions, please see the website).
When: Every weekend in November | December 7, 8, 14, 15 | Every day from December 21 to January 6, 2025.
Photo credit: Parco di Pinocchio Facebook